
Construction Projects for the improvement of evacuation and ventilation conditions in the event of fire in the underground commuter rail stations of Embajadores, Getafe Centro and Parla.


Country: Spain

Year: 2021-2022

Inse Rail, in a joint venture with Tekia Ingenieros, is participating in the drafting of the construction projects to improve the evacuation and ventilation conditions in case of fire in the underground stations of Embajadores, Parla and Getafe Centro, belonging to the Madrid suburban network, managed by ADIF.

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Due to the age of many of the tunnels in Madrid’s underground network that connect different stations of its Cercanías commuter rail network, it was necessary to determine the ventilation and evacuation conditions in order to analyze the different protection and safety measures to be implemented to guarantee safe conditions for users.

The existing improvement studies that include, on the one hand, the simulation of temperature and smoke of the underground stations involved, in the event of a fire, and on the other hand, the study of the conditions of evacuation of people during the fire with the current station configurations, provide the background to determine the actions to be carried out as part of this contract, which will define and assess the proposed measures to ensure that all passengers are able to reach a safe area.

The projects will take all the actions already completed or being carried out as the starting point and will adapt the actions planned in the proximity of the Stations, defining the necessary works, both those explicitly included in the project, as well as the auxiliary actions that need to be carried out to complete them.

The projects will define, on the one hand, the overall actions required in the underground stations and, on the other hand, will specify the partial actions that will provide improvements to the current situation until the definitive solution is reached.

This will gradually improve the situation of the underground stations involved until the definitive solution is reached.

All of the work to be carried out will be coordinated with the City Councils involved.