
HYPERSTROOCT. An advanced simulation tool to analyze, calculate and validate the structural response and vehicle-structure interaction for Hyperloop viaducts to design, evaluate and build them.


Country: Spain

Year: 2021-2023

Inse Rail is developing the HYPERSTROOCT project in collaboration with its partners, the UPV (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) and ZELEROS, as well as with the support of the CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology).

The HYPERSTROOCT project consists of the development of a software tool to analyze and design the structural elements of the Hyperloop transport system.

The goal of this innovation project is to design and develop a computerized system to simulate the structural response and vehicle-structure interaction for Hyperloop viaducts, making it possible to automate the design calculations of the viaducts in order to evaluate and then build them.

The many innovative goals of this project include resolving the problem of structural analysis of vehicle movement along viaducts or similar infrastructure in the Hyperloop system, and also determining the predicted response for the structure and the vehicle in terms of movement, deformation, stress and strain. It is also essential to obtain results that can be applied to the engineering, such making it possible to study alternatives that are comparable to each other in order to assess the required construction time and the necessary investment, or planning the line and its division into sections based on the route specifications and surrounding conditions.

This software positions INSE RAIL as a cutting-edge engineering company in the field of transport, sharing knowledge with professionals from the UPV and ZELEROS, who are undoubtedly the top specialists in this field in Spain and even internationally.