
GALIBRAIL. Tool for calculating and analyzing railway gages.


Country: Spain

Year: 2022-2023

Inse Rail, with the support of the CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial), is developing the GALIBRAIL project.

The purpose of the GALIBRAIL project is to design and develop a computerized system to calculate and analyze railway gages that takes all of the elements of a railway line, its environment and rolling stock into consideration, and applies new algorithms to calculate and dimension the maximum measurements to validate the traffic conditions in the current real situation.

Some of the biggest innovations included in the project include

  • New calculation engine that correctly models all types of gages on a railway line;
  • Mathematical models that take into account all of the special conditions in the existing regulations and in the new Railfreight Freeways regulations;
  • Advanced calculation models that make it possible to precisely calculate gages at any point of the infrastructure;
  • New processing algorithms that reduce computation time (from days to hours), without having to use IaaS processing or complex on-premise structures;
  • Innovative sensitivity analysis of a line where it will be possible to determine points or sections that are especially sensitive in terms of gage;
  • Determination of the optimal points for investment each year to improve the safety of the line while improving the gauge level;
  • Ability to work on customizable libraries of standards and calculations that can be adapted to different calculation situations;
  • Use of a development technology with proven technical solvency and end-user oriented software;
  • Generation of information directly in a consumable format in reports and technical deliverables to administrations.

Since gage calculation is the basic pillar for developing new rail corridors, diversifying the operation of existing ones, and enabling interoperability in international traffic, the need for this previously non-existent automated calculation system to address this aspect is now more necessary than ever, and will represent a significant competitive advantage for Inse Rail when this innovation project is successfully completed.